To be CIO Checklist
Below are some of the key criteria for the awarding/ grading the CIO during one such. Answer the below questions and evaluate how you stand in to be awarded.
Scope of Responsibility
Is the person, in charge of a budget? If so, provide approximate budget amount
How many users does the person support?
How many IT employees report up to the person?
On-the-Job Accomplishments
Conceived and executed a major operational improvement within IT.
Conceived and executed a major operational improvement in the business.
Conceived and executed a new business product/service idea.
Led a significant enterprise-level project.
Negotiated important contracts or successfully managed relationships with outside suppliers or business partners.
Led or devised an effort to measure and prove IT value to the business, or managed the IT portfolio.
Leads or sits on a committee on the business side of the organization, or a committee composed of both IT and business leaders.
Has taken over duties temporarily or permanently from the CIO.
Turned around a troubled project or organization.
Started up a new IT team (such as for a new division, new market, etc).
Characteristics - please describe how this nominee exemplifies these characteristics:
Has a business sensibility
Change agent
Bold/risk taker
Technology innovator
Business innovator
Has learned from failure
Creates a positive work environment
Engenders loyalty and trust among IT staff
Is respected by business leaders in the organization
Communicates effectively with IT and business staff
Team builder/talent developer
Good at execution (getting projects done on-time/on-budget/on-quality)
Mentors younger or less experienced staffers
Is actively involved in community service (such as volunteering in a leadership role at a nonprofit, tutoring, etc.)
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