Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Business Planning ...2

Structure of a Business Plan

Section 1: The Business Idea

  1. Type of business proposed and services to be offered
  2. Method of operation
  3. Location and operating area
  4. Outline of market and customers
  5. Statement of viability

Section 2: The proprietors of the business

  1. Details of key personnel
  2. Your reasons for the choice of business
  3. Personal skills and experience relevant to the proposed business
  4. Appraisal of available skills, and identified development needs

Section 3: The resources required

  1. Inventory of required plant, equipment and materials
  2. Schedule of available resources
  3. Premises requirements, availability, necessary modifications, etc.
  4. Transport requirements
  5. Personal requirements
  6. Insurance requirements

Section 4: Financial Plans

  1. Budgetary plans and cash flow forecasts
  2. Explanation of the basis for planned budgets
  3. Breakeven analysis and profit forecast
  4. Value of available capital and resources
  5. Futher finance required and potential sources of funds
  6. Choosen sources of finance and sources of choice

Section 5: Marketing

  1. Target market and operational area
  2. Market research - completed and planned
  3. Identification of any special market influences
  4. Analyss of competitors' products and services
  5. The marketing plan
  6. Unique features of your products or services
  7. Schedule of fees and charges
  8. Samples of advertising materials, leaflets, business cards, etc.
  9. Statement of quality standards and policy

Section 6: The implementation of the proposals

  1. Chosen means of operation and justification for choice
  2. Relevant legislation
  3. Timetable and phasing of business start-up
  4. Key stages of implementation

Section 7: Monitoring and control systems

  1. Plans for monitoring the quality of goods and services
  2. Budgetary control
  3. Financial control systems
  4. Customer records
  5. Feedback from customers
  6. Measurement of business success

Section 8: Summary

Business Plan is as simple as planning as per the above guidelines (if only it was as simple).


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